Kybella Injections at AALC Medical Spa in Arlington, VA

At Aesthetic Artistry Laser Center in Arlington, VA, we offer personalized and transformative cosmetic treatments to help you feel confident and beautiful. If you’re looking to reduce the appearance of submental fullness, also known as a “double chin,” our Kybella Injections may be the perfect solution for you. With our team of highly trained professionals, you can trust that you’ll receive exceptional results.

What is Kybella and What is it a Popular Treatment?

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that targets and destroys fat cells beneath the chin, reducing the appearance of submental fullness. It is made of a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in the body and aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fats.

Why Get Kybella Injections?

People may choose to get Kybella Injections for various reasons, including:

  • To reduce the appearance of a double-chin
  • To improve facial definition and contouring
  • To enhance confidence and self-esteem

Who is a Good Candidate for Kybella Treatment?

If you’re over 18 years of age and looking to reduce the appearance of submental fullness, Kybella Treatment may be right for you. Our experts will conduct a thorough consultation, taking into consideration your medical history, allergies, and skin type to determine your suitability for the treatment. In general, individuals with good overall health and realistic expectations are good candidates for Kybella Injections.

Benefits of Kybella Injections

Choosing Kybella Injections at Aesthetic Artistry Laser Center offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Non-Invasive: Kybella Injections offer a non-surgical approach to reducing submental fullness, without the need for incisions or anesthesia.
  • No Downtime: There is typically no downtime associated with Kybella Injections, with most individuals returning to their normal activities immediately after the procedure.
  • Permanent Results: Kybella destroys fat cells permanently, resulting in long-lasting results and no need for frequent touch-up treatments.
  • Fully Customizable: Our professionals use their expertise to craft customized treatment plans that target your personal aesthetic goals, resulting in a personalized and natural look.

What to Expect During a Kybella Treatment

During your Kybella Treatment at Aesthetic Artistry Laser Center, our experts will evaluate your submental fullness, discuss your goals, and determine the optimal injection points. A topical anaesthetic may be applied to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Injections will then be administered strategically, targeting specific problem areas. The entire process is typically completed within 15-20 minutes. Our expert team will provide you with pre- and post-treatment care instructions and answer any questions you may have.

Pre- and Post-Treatment Instructions

To ensure the best results with Kybella Injections, it is important to follow certain pre- and post-treatment instructions. Prior to your appointment, avoid taking blood thinners and other anti-inflammatory medications. After the procedure, avoid touching or rubbing the treated area, and avoid intense physical activities for 24 hours to minimize the risk of bruising. Our team will provide you with detailed instructions based on your specific needs.

Why Choose Aesthetic Artistry Laser Center in Arlington, VA for Your Kybella Injections?

At Aesthetic Artistry Laser Center, your satisfaction and safety are our top priorities. When you choose us for your Kybella Injections, you can expect:

  • Expert Professionals: Our team consists of highly trained professionals with extensive experience in administering Kybella Injections, ensuring exceptional results.
  • Cutting-Edge Facility: Our modern facility in Arlington, VA, is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, adhering to the highest standards of safety and cleanliness.
  • Personalized Care: We recognize that each client has unique needs, which is why we provide personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific goals and concerns.
  • Superior Customer Service: Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service, addressing all your questions and concerns.

Schedule a Private Consultation to Learn More

Reduce the appearance of your double chin and feel confident in your appearance with Kybella Injections at Aesthetic Artistry Laser Center. Schedule a private consultation today to learn more about how our Kybella Injections can help you achieve your desired results. Contact us at 703-283-1047 or book through our website. Take the first step toward a more confident and beautiful you.

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